Now the Manifesto that I wrote before turned out to be more of an essay than an actual Manifesto. I supposed that I believed for all of you who did not know much of anime or Manga needed to be told about the facts and history of it to understand my passion and love for it and maybe I just didn’t understand the assignment that well either. Anyways though I am going to redo it by not telling you about Anime and tell you why I like it so much and why I plan on doing it as a career. Now I know that some of this is still a history lesson but these things I say show how I found and fell in love with this Japanese Animation. From the very beginning I have always idolized my brother so when he introduced me into Anime I was all about it. The first Anime was Dragon Ball Z! That was the boom anime back in the day and still is! They are trying to make a live action but I know they are just going to kill it! But anyways after watching it I began drawing the characters. I was really good at coping exactly what I saw in any picture of those characters. My family put me into art classes after that and helped me improve in my drawing skills. I never became good at drawing free style but one day I drew a picture that was no bigger than my hand to the size of my body and I was five foot seven inches at the time. So I knew that if I was going to do anything with Anime I would have to find me an artist.

A couple of months later I learned about Manga’s, which are Japanese comic books, by walking into a Boarders and seeing them on the self. I don’t think I have ever been so happy in my entire life. All my favorite Anime’s at the palm of my hand to look and reference back to. I knew what a comic book was since my brother had so many but I had never seen a Japanese one before. It was first off hard for me to follow since it was made to be read back to front and right to left like how Japanese writing is like. As I began to read more and more of them I got the hang of it. The stories in those Mangas and Anime were like nothing I have ever read before. I knew that this was what I wanted to do. I wanted to write and help design Manga’s/Anime’s. In middle school I had an awesome dream that I wrote down after I woke up. When I reread what I had written I knew that this was going to be either my first fantasy book or my first Manga. When I got into College I met my friend Sarah who was exactly the person I was dreaming about to draw my Manga. She had the ability to draw like a Japanese artist and she made the characters look more realistic and not so skinny. Since then I have been working on my Mangas and trying to make them as best as I can. I continue buying other Manga’s and other Anime’s to compare myself and to get ideas from them. Not stealing them, but by looking at their works my mind begins to tick and think of new and fun ideas to use in my stories.
I dream of one day being as rich as the Harry Potter writer or to be as popular, if you know Manga/anime, as the Naruto Manga and Anime. I hope that my stories and shows will be loved by everyone because I know that because I am not Japanese that people who like reading and watching these kinds of shows and books are more hesitant to do so when it comes to an American doing it. Well I want to change all of that and I will. For my stories will be great and everyone will line up to read and watch the opening premier of them and maybe even dress up as them like they do at the conventions. So to all those people who don’t know a thing about what I am talking about just go to your local book store or library and there you will find Manga’s galore waiting for you to read them and one day soon so will mine.
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